Training & Educating Truths in Genesis

Empowering the Saints to Defend the Faith


A Godless Society

Even before Charles Darwin wrote “On The Origin of the Species” in 1859 the world has been pursuing, with vigor, the ideology of origins via evolution. Evolution teaches that everything came about through random chance, mutations and selective characteristics. It was man’s way of eliminating God out of the process of origins; therefore, if God did not create all things, then we are our own god. It has been said, “Without God, All Things Are Permissible.” We live in a world, a society, in which “all things are permissible.” The Bible says that in the last days, the earth will be “as in the days of Noah.” (Luke 17:26) Today, people make the rules of morality, right/wrong and truth. (Judges 21:25b) By challenging evolution and showing that God uses nature as a witness for Him, man can see that there is a Creator and this Creator wants man to know Him.

Pastors and Christian Teachers will find the content within the lectures and lessons interesting, informative, empowering and surprising. Your students or congregation will enjoy the latest in science and Christian thought on this topic. Christians are instructed to “go into all the world, teaching and making disciples, Matt. 28:18-20. God’s creation is another tool in the Christian toolbox to witness to other’s of God’s truth and God’s saving grace.

Common Questions

  • Everyday and in subtle ways, we are being subject to the concepts and ideology that evolution is the correct worldview of origins. Whether it’s through music, movies, stories, commercials or education, we are suggested that evolution is a given fact. This is ideology replaces God as creator of all things. Eph. 12:1, Rom. 1;25, Neh. 9:6, Ish. 45:18

  • Classes and lectures will empower individuals with knowledge and wisdom and the ability to discern what is truth and what is an opinion, a guess, or an assumption. One does not need to be a scientist to ask questions, challenge statements and recognize half truths and lies.

  • Everyone! Regardless of age, or years as a believer, everyone should attend. Anyone who is questioning or having a desire to learn more about origins should attend. Teachers, Pastors, and Students of all grades will benefit from the contents of each session.

    2 Tim. 2:15, Heb. 12:1, Psalm 9:11

  • The Bible is not only a book about man’s relationship to God, or about God’s redemptive plan to reunite fallen man to Him, it’s also about information and signs of Him in His creation. Because Jesus created all things, Jesus left much in His creation to discover Him. It is the duty of man to determine eternity while on earth. All must decide what to do about Jesus and Jesus has left many witnesses for man to discover and believe. Psalm 19:1, Luk. 19:40, Job 38:4, Psalm 8:8, Ecc. 1:6, Psalm 19:6

DNA is more complex than imagined. How complex? My lectures help explain.



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Exploring the Truth

Discover the undeniable evidence and facts that support our beliefs. Embrace the knowledge and wisdom that comes from understanding the truth. Trust in the teachings of the Bible and the certainty it provides about our origins. Read our blogs and updates for the latest information.

When did dinosaurs live? What killed them? My lectures help explain these questions and more.

Blogs and Updates

Welcome to my blogs and updates page. I will be adding content of latest science findings and articles or points of interest. Please check here often.

Evolution vs. Creation is a relevant topic that every Christian should have answers. As science discovers more and more of God’s creation, scientist are understanding that random chance and mutations is not a suitable model for origins. My lectures discuss this and more as we look at what is amazing scientists.

Is there fear when people confidently proclaim evolution to be a fact of science and anyone who disagrees is a flat-earther, science-denier, or a religious nut? Through my lectures and instruction, you may find that you hold the upper-hand in any conversation as you challenge modern-day ideology. You will also discover that you don’t need to have a Phd. to challenge modern theories.

Links to Resources

Institute for Creation Research -

Answers in Genesis -

Discovery Institute -